Angelina Jolie video

Angelina JolieJames Cameron is flirting with doing Cleopatra in 3D, starring Angelina Jolie. The studio is said to be willing to fast track the film at any cost if Cameron signs on. Telling Cameron “any cost” is a dangerous proposition, especially if Peter Jackson breaks his budget records making The Hobbit.
While the Department of Justice is appealing the ruling finding Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell unconstitutional, the Defense Department has done the unthinkable and ordered the Jag to »

Will James Cameron direct Angelina Jolie in Cleopatra? The back-to-back sequels Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 may not be next on James Cameron's to-do list, as Deadline reports the director is exploring the possibility of making Angelina Jolie's Cleopatra his next priority. James Cameron and Sony Pictures Entertainment are currently discussing the project, which will be based on Stacy Schiff's book 'Cleopatra: A Life'.

Angelina Jolie has been attached to this 3D project for quite sometime, and is anxious to make the movie happen soon. Cleopatra is being fast-tracked by Sony Entertainment because they feel screenwriter Brian Helgeland has turned in a "brilliant script deserving of epic treatment". And their plan is to turn it into a substantial franchise for Jolie.
At this time, James Cameron has no other projects in the works aside from his Avatar sequels. The studio feels he is capable of producing »

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